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Staying Afloat in Uncertain Economic Times

The following guideposts should assist your firm's navigation through economic turmoil until construction financing starts to flow, enabling owners to once again grow and expand.


The Termination of the Attorney-Client Relationship in Legal Malpractice Cases

Difficult clients do not disappear if ignored. To the contrary, statistics demonstrate that 19% of all claims against attorneys are predicated upon a breakdown in client relations.


Planning for the Buy Sell Agreement

Along with death and taxes, the only other certainty in life is that every closely-held business needs a buy-sell agreement.


Controlling Claims Through a Comprehensive Loss Prevention Program

The number of professional liability claims has dramatically increased over the last decade as the courts continue to expand the theories of liability under which an attorney may be held liable.


Business Planning from a Legal Perspective

The following are brief explanations of some of the common considerations in business planning, and which may be helpful as a checklist to be considered by business owners, accountants and attorneys.


The Importance of the Preliminary Conference: A Cautionary Tale

There was a time when parties to an action pending in the New York State court system would, as a matter of course, ignore a discovery request until the court set a preliminary conference.


Key Estate Planning Strategies

Brief explanations of some of the principal estate planning strategies. They may be helpful as an initial checklist of strategies to consider in connection with the preparation of an estate plan.

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