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Press Releases


Partners Paula M. Gart and Douglas R. Halstrom Invited to Present at American Institute of Architects LI Chapter Annual Meeting

Whether you are a seasoned architect, just starting out, or somewhere in between, this seminar will provide a working knowledge of the rights and responsibilities to your clients and yourselves.


Keith J. Stevens presents seminar before American Council of Engineering Companies of New York, entitled “Life Safety Considerations for Today’s Design Professional”

​On Wednesday, October 23, 2019, L'Abbate Balkan partner Keith J. Stevens spoke before member engineers of the ACEC Long Island Region at Westbury Manor.


Candice B. Ratner Re-elected Second Vice President of JLA of Nassau County

On October 28, 2019, Candice B. Ratner will be installed as 2nd V.P. of the Jewish Lawyers Association of Nassau County, Inc. (JLA).


​Partners Daniel A. McFaul, Jr. and Keith J. Stevens to present at BREAKING GROUND! The 2019 AIA Tri-State Conference; AIA New Jersey, AIA New York State, and AIA Pennsylvania

​The partners' joint session entitled "Life Safety and Emerging Technology Considerations for Today’s Architect", will take place on Saturday, October 19, 2019, at the Albany Capital Center.


​Keith J. Stevens to provide seminar on health, safety and welfare issues facing today’s engineers

On Wednesday, October 16, 2019, L'Abbate Balkan partner Keith J. Stevens will speak before the Westchester/Putnam Chapter of the New York State Society of Professional Engineers.


Super Lawyers® Honors Eleven L’Abbate Balkan Attorneys in 2019 New York Metro Edition

L'Abbate, Balkan, Colavita & Contini L.L.P. is pleased to announce that 11 of our attorneys were selected as Super Lawyers and Rising Stars in the 2019 Metro Edition of New York Super Lawyers®.


Daniel A. McFaul, Jr. presents CLM Seminar entitled, “Making the Best Use of Your Mediator & the Mediation Process”

On Tuesday, September 10, 2019, L’Abbate Balkan partner, Daniel A. McFaul, Jr. presented a live CLM seminar entitled, “Making the Best Use of Your Mediator & the Mediation Process”.